Sunday, June 21, 2009

Does Breastfeeding Cause Smelly Urine

Learning on the Net: Say Something in Welsh

Two of my passions are languages \u200b\u200band travel. In February, I fulfilled my long cherished desire to go to Wales once. I had thought no more about it; Finally, we speak English there. But as soon as my taxi driver said 'Bore da' to me, it happened to me. First, take the next trip to Cardiff is already planned. Second, I will this time also was able to say in Welsh. The chance to buy at the airport an audio course, I'm sleepy. So once again has to serve the search giant. Lo and behold, researchers are looking for English-language material, you will find fix.

So, for example, offer the venerable BBC a wonderful site for Walisischlerner on which may include beginners with Colin and his dog Cumberland playfully expand their vocabulary. No experience is necessary (ich habs ausprobiert!).

Wirklich hängengebliegen bin ich dann aber bei meiner zweiten Wahl, der ausgezeichneten Webseite Say Something in Welsh . Die Seite bietet zwei liebevoll gemachte, informative Audiokurse an, einmal Süd-, einmal Nordwalisisch (Cardiff liegt an der Südküste, es ist also offensichtlich, welchen von beiden ich gerade beackere). Alternativ kann man die einzelnen Lektionen direkt von der Webseite im mp3-Format herunterladen, oder den Podcast auf iTunes abonnieren. Dazu gibt es in den Foren Rundumbetreuung der Lernenden in Form von Zusatzlektionen oder verschiedenen Angeboten, das Gelernte schnell zu vertiefen, z.B. via Skype. SSIW bietet begleitend auch eine Facebook-Gruppe und das DailyWelshWord on Twitter, and all, by the way, free of charge.

Each lesson is 30 minutes. The podcasters recommend that you schedule as possible every day 20 minutes to practice. The entire course is completely designed to bring the language to interested parties as quickly as possible to speak. There is no vocabulary lists, and no writing exercises, but a solid basic vocabulary and lots of speaking practice. After just one lesson provides you surprised that you have mastered cause to say about 50 sentences.

I usually do with my audio learning as a visually oriented person rather difficult. But Cat and Iestyn make me easy draufloszuquatschen. The format is ideal during the to practice driving to work.

Why would you ever learn Welsh? Answers can be found at Gwybodiadur . A detailed list of resources to be found in Walisischlernende . The pictures from my visit to Cardiff in Gibts Flickr .

Thursday, June 18, 2009

What Is Kirsch Butter

Vyv Runs: Run Internet tools

"race" is perhaps somewhat exaggerated. At the moment I would describe my pace rather than "Dahintroddeln. Years ago I went for a jog with a friend. At that time I "ran" so slowly that they were walking alongside. ;)

But anyhoo, it's not lost completely, but the associated websites. I am that is difficult to motivate. The enthusiasm on the gigantic side of Runner's World me too much. JKRunning (German, Jens Karrass) is certainly in detail, but basically just a huge banner advertising the coaching staff. And I really only run just for the heck in the fight against the belly. This whole Hooah! about marathons and running times I do not care a damn. My beginner friendly Anfütterlaufplan designed by Karrass, I then also found in

good, but I'm curious to see how far I've run this week already (Answer: four and a half kilometers). In Jogmap I can via Google Earth integration View my pathless woods, calculate build an odometer for my blog and leave, how many calories I blow while running. So I'm quite satisfied first.

also my various shoe manufacturers are competing for my favor. This they call me even generously as "athlete." Those who look only for general tips for beginners, at quite well served. The site, however, apart from advertising, absolutely no frills.

Tools What mileage you can recommend? Or is your passion, an entirely different sport?