out of date:
- Stammtisch at "Pirkl" were over Waldsassen on 07/01/2010
- a clay pigeon shooting m Saturday, 09/01/2010 Teichel on the mountain, led by Karl Lippert, TTC Teichel mountain, from 13.00 h, as every year - only 6 participants, so future, no further reservations for the Community to the clay pigeon shooting Hege
- S aturday , 09.01.2010, afternoon, announced at short notice to drive hunting pigs in the state district Dietmar MICHALSKY - a wild boar was shot by Gerhard SIEBER, which came in the area of \u200b\u200bWerner KOROCZUK to track
- J ahreshauptversammlung on 13/01/2009 at the "Pirkl in Waldsassen at 19.30 h
- Stammtisch at" Pirkl in Waldsassen on 04/02/2010
- PRICE fool not only for hunters and fishermen, 26th-28.02.2010 directly to the School of Music in Konnersreuth, behind the gas station Stammtisch (former warehouse)
- the "Pirkl in Waldsassen on 04/03/2010
- Stammtisch at" Pirkl in Waldsassen on 01/04/2010
- shooting plan meeting 07.05.2010, 19.30 h - Guest House Pirkl - for station owners, hunting Executives and the Managing committee of the HG Wds;. station owners should bring from the hunt chairman signed shooting plan proposals.
- round tables at the "Pirkl in Waldsassen accounts until further notice according to Deputy Director-HG
- hunt in Höflas / Konnersreuth / KondrauI on 06/11/2010 and Hubertusmesse Kappl and Hubert celebration