Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Used Brewery For Sale

gone from the network

So I almost could rename this blog ... right now my skin just nothing really socks off. But you can find me now increasingly on Facebook (hu-hum, but one may well still change his mind!).

What annoyed me the last few days really fat is the way in which XING deal with paying members. My group, Web for Women, was indeed a nice experiment, but despite Newsletter, Themenanstössen, dates, etc. were the ladies einfach nicht in genügender Zahl bereit mitzumachen. Meine Anfragen, ob nicht jemand als Moderator übernehmen wolle, stiessen auf taube Ohren. Als ich schliesslich ankündigte, die Gruppe löschen zu lassen, kam kaum Echo. Also schickte ich die erforderliche Mail an den Support. Tage später war immernoch keine Antwort da, also versuchte ich es nochmal. Als auch daraufhin wieder nur die automatische Rückmeldung eintrudelte, fragte ich in der XING Moderationsgruppe mal nach, wie lange sowas im Durchschnitt dauere. Plötzlich kam -zack, zack- eine Antwort auf Anfrage Nr. 1. Man finde es schade, verstehe aber meine Beweggründe und werde die Gruppe nach einer Karenzzeit von zwei Wochen löschen. Prima.

Nun versteht man sure that I was somewhat surprised to receive the reply on ticket No. 2, one could even find me a replacement moderator. Again, I wrote what I had written a week ago. This time I was told after a few minutes, a new host will now find and you hope I will stay as a group member.

The words that come to mind this just should not blog a good man really tightened public. Within seconds (!) I removed the group! XING love, not only do I not remain in an inactive group, this is my time to shame. I'll get even with the expiration of my membership entirely from your club. I can be kidding elsewhere. Presumably this is the proverbial single case, but I personally enough the perfect.

And who can find me, can do the future in the competition.

Addendum: aha. I say yes. Misunderstanding. Too bad that the little dragon ears leave no longer so wish.


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