Friday, August 28, 2009

Garden Wire Fence Tensioners

First German-Czech nature and hunting festival in Wunsiedel on the Katharinenberg

BAJ Issue 11/2009

Article Frankenpost

Article The New Tag

Three of the patrons, from left to right for the district administrator Wolfgang LIPPERT Tirschenreuth district, District Administrator Dr. Dohler for the district and Wunsiedel Wunsiedel Mayor Karl-Willi Beck were enthusiastic about the event.

Czech delicacies were also there, hunting archers, carousel, a raptor show, off-road car manufacturers, tours in German and Czech and many more ...
400-500 prospects visited the excellent showing of Michael Mickisch dogs. About 1500

guests, of which about one third from the neighboring Czech Republic, have populated on Saturday Katharinenberg. The occasion was the "1st German-Czech hunters and nature festival." Had organized the festival, the German-Czech Jagdhornbläser group Corni Tues Egra "from Waldsassen, together with Eckard Mikisch of prey park, Severin Wejbora of the country hunting school and city forester Hubert Stein of "place of learning nature" of the city Wunsiedel. Financial support was the organization of the Euregio Egrensis, the German-Czech Future Fund and the firm of Ziegler.
played at the opening of the hunting horn group. Ingmar Wenisch, Chairman of "Corni Tues Egra, welcomed the guests in German. The same part was carried out in Czech horn master Milos Sedivy. Their greeting was particularly the six patrons. These were: the District Administrators Wolfgang Lippert from Tirschenreuth and Dr. Karl Dohler from Wunsiedel, the mayor of Asch, Dalibor Blazek, Professor Dr. Hartmut wound ratchet by the National Association of Bavarian hunting, the director of forest and forest enterprise Asch, Jirci Cerventa, and the dogs chairman of the Czech / Moravian Hunters Association, Dr. Vlastimil Novotni. The other honored guests were welcomed. Wenisch thanked the representatives of local politics for the easy approval, and all sponsors and helpers who had made possible the celebration. Natural associate said, Wenisch. He pointed to the cross-border cooperation, which should be encouraged by this event on. Sure could thus rise to new friendships.
addition to many delicacies from the Bavarian and Bohemian cuisine awaited the visitors in the beer tent is a diversified offer. At the site of the ruined church there were numerous stands of hunting, fishing and fisheries needs of German and Czech companies. Were also off-road vehicles from Renault and Nissan WITTKE to marvel at the car dealership KING (VW and Skoda) and TOYOTA ENGEL.
city forester Hubert Stein and a colleague from the Czech Republic led the guests through the public park with deer park, "a place of learning nature" and bat cellar. At the stations, there was one small sample of herbal brandy.
well received was the hunting dog demonstration at the "natural place of learning" by Michael Mickisch and the next presentation by Dr. Novotni (dogs chairman Czech Republic and Moravia). During the afternoon there was a bird of prey demonstration with Hunting horn sounds. Crowded the visitors were also at the site of the archers, who were some demonstrations. Over 50 shooters participated in the competition for the honor disk. This eventually went with a 106-divider to Gerhard Burges.


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