Thursday, October 7, 2010

Things To Wrote In Engagement Cards

The ABC's of DADA (uncensored version): Alphabet of German Dadaism

"It was created as a movement of protest in Zurich - protest not only in the world of art, but that is in the world of politics, (...) they where not only against the war, they wanted to express a new kind of mentality, they wanted to include art into the fight for a new ethic. "

The neofeudalistische Newspeak Jammer brought rebel tv letzhin the censored version where the letter W is missing. This gives an insight into the historical circumstances and the artistic ideals of the prewar period of William the II (historicism - Neo-classicism - idealization of ancient Greece - Schliemann - Neo-Hellenismus ect.)... – und "As far as I'm concerned there are no political parties, there are only germans" Willhelm the II. 1914.
Der orignale Filmtitel heisst: Germany Dada, an Alphabet of German Dadaism by Helmut Herbert. Die Löschung des Buchstaben W raubt dem gesamten Film den massgebenden Zusammenhang, ein durchsichtiger Versuch den Dadaismus aus dem entscheidenden historischen und politischen Kontext zu reissen. Die Dokumentation ist jedoch bei genauerer Betrachtung sowieso sehr oberflächlich und hat eine militärische Diktion.

Interessanterweise hat Deutschland gerade letzte Woche die letzten Reparationen für den 1. Weltkrieg abbezahlt, zu dem trotz aller revisionistischen Debatten Willhelm II. doch massgeblich has contributed:
Wilhelm II in 1900 has removed all strong and competent people from the corridors of government. Surrounded by careerists and slave natures, which shall exercise in fawning on offer, from he fatally his personal rule. Incompetent and autocratic, he is interfering in the domestic and foreign policy, trying to stir up the great European powers against each other, runs a murderous military policy, which the German Reich into the abyss of World War II ...... His fleet-delusion and his dream of a Europe under German domination only end in the bloody battles of World War II. But while Wilhelm II went into exile, his Jews hate Hitler and cultured hailed early successes attributed to Germany, the unholy legacy of his hubris.

John CG Röhl, Wilhelm II, The road to the abyss 1900 - 1941
reparations: Tomorrow is due the last installment of a bond :

Note: 29 10. 2010: why does this matter? because, for example SMS (rebel tv) for the neofeudalisten daniel model works, the just revived those will again be helmi African aesthetics. known to be the media partner of cabaret voltaire.
had recently the co-director had the opportunity to respond to an article in the world for weeks. but it was only awkward silence. The topic was ball and antismitismus. only have a reference to Robert Musil, indeed even to have enough grass to re-dissolve youthful gaffes. if inhuman come hetzblätter week as the world itself with the antismitismus-club, then there is the counter decided. or at least the interpretation sovereignty back to usurp and exercise ruthless self-criticism. am nothing like this. is type attack since his Kurt Imhof, and other abschiffern to dip station.


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