I need an idea: - /
Good evening,
hmm .... I do not know, I look into your beautiful blog always so nice towels, but they do not succeed me, somehow too heavy or too long lasting .... or silly me as stitches falling off the needle, only because the knitting was hiding on the sofa under a blanket * * heul
The cloth should be ..... now I do not know if I start again or not. I also so quite a lot of mistakes in it, so it's not fun anymore because I think it will be nice looking and is not yet supported ... Would indeed be stupid! Somehow I got for such a Projekt wohl nicht so die Geduld und das ruhige Händchen ;-(
Könnt ihr mir vielleicht ein anderes Tuch empfehlen, was für mich als Anfänger einfacher wäre? So ne Pimpeliese hab ich ja schon gemacht...und würde mit der lila Wolle sicher nicht so schön aussehen. Ich würde es gern zum Geburtstag verschenken..und hab sonst keine so rechte Idee, was ich schenken könnte. Gut, daß der Geburtstag noch ne Weile hin ist...aber blöd ists trotzdem *grübel*
Euch noch einen schönen Abend
Liebe Grüße
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Hamilto Beachhb P90d23al-dj
a small sheep
Guten Abend ihr Lieben,
ein kleines Geschenk für my girlfriend is just finished. She had wanted a stuffed animal and it has become a lamb ;-)
Well, at least you can see it with a little imagination :-)
have a manual I do not to have the free hand crocheted by the guidance of the Schee Tigers, which I brought you in here and some times adjusted
;-) The yarn was pretty heavy, so we see no stitch and crochet completely blind. According yarn should you take the needle size 6, I was not there and with the 4 he threw pretty hard. But it worked, it's done and I find very beautiful ;-) Now it is packed and going on tour, I hope you like it .....
can watch Sunday and I like something my Wii so I've bought a new game on the weekend :-)
you all a pleasant evening
Guten Abend ihr Lieben,
ein kleines Geschenk für my girlfriend is just finished. She had wanted a stuffed animal and it has become a lamb ;-)
Well, at least you can see it with a little imagination :-)
have a manual I do not to have the free hand crocheted by the guidance of the Schee Tigers, which I brought you in here and some times adjusted
;-) The yarn was pretty heavy, so we see no stitch and crochet completely blind. According yarn should you take the needle size 6, I was not there and with the 4 he threw pretty hard. But it worked, it's done and I find very beautiful ;-) Now it is packed and going on tour, I hope you like it .....
can watch Sunday and I like something my Wii so I've bought a new game on the weekend :-)
you all a pleasant evening
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Birthday Invitation Party Rhyme For Four Year Old
... back again ...
Hello my friends, I
I then back again :-) Last night, a 22 clock is my train here eingetrudelt. Yes it was a long and tiring week, but it was worth it. I learned a lot of knowledge and taken from the training. Now it says "Apply Apply Apply" so that it does not immediately forget From Frankfurt itself is :-) I have not seen much. Well, maybe some other time :-)
Well, but to show you, unfortunately I have nothing, am not able to come to knit ;-( Have already real withdrawal symptoms .... but here is the same loose-
... But today times have
I started a baking test * grin *
Hmmm ... yummy yummy ....
you all a pleasant evening
Hello my friends, I
I then back again :-) Last night, a 22 clock is my train here eingetrudelt. Yes it was a long and tiring week, but it was worth it. I learned a lot of knowledge and taken from the training. Now it says "Apply Apply Apply" so that it does not immediately forget From Frankfurt itself is :-) I have not seen much. Well, maybe some other time :-)
Well, but to show you, unfortunately I have nothing, am not able to come to knit ;-( Have already real withdrawal symptoms .... but here is the same loose-
... But today times have
I started a baking test * grin *
Hmmm ... yummy yummy ....
you all a pleasant evening
Monday, February 28, 2011
What Are Basque People Like
Dromology, Paul Virilio, a
statement by Georg Christoph Tholen
speed as a device to the horizon of the work of Paul Virilio in dromology
(abstract, full text published in: Joseph Yurt (Ed.), From Michel Serres and Julia Kristeva. Rombach Verlag [Litterae series, vol 69], Fribourg 1999, p. 135-162. ISBN: 3-7930 - 9216-X)
The first war is a voyeur
He really is. one who wants to see better or faster than the other requires ...
(Paul Virilio)
"But the late work Virilio pointed anthropomorphism [6] of its media analysis suggests the heuristic value of his dromologischen perspective keinseswegs obsolete. It is rather its seismographic sense of invisible figurations within the visible, the other design rules of the technical media exposing than their merely functional evidence. Driving a car is about to describe not only as a goal-directed movement but also generates a filmic-hallucinatory drug, the fleeting images and certainly promoted real accidents, the fly seems to shrink, not only distances but also the horizon of experience: the mass tourist do not travel, if it - for example, - In a two hour flight away and fenced Hotel in North Africa his native neighbors meet at the buffet - for the umpteenth time during the year. The political public disappears when the immobilized viewers images of war consumed in the form of (unchanging) virtual flash, that peculiar silence the spectrum of quasi-light-speed weapons systems still only simulated as a harmless video game. .. All this Virilio calls the "dromosphärische pollution" [7] of our earth, "
statement by Georg Christoph Tholen
speed as a device to the horizon of the work of Paul Virilio in dromology
(abstract, full text published in: Joseph Yurt (Ed.), From Michel Serres and Julia Kristeva. Rombach Verlag [Litterae series, vol 69], Fribourg 1999, p. 135-162. ISBN: 3-7930 - 9216-X)
The first war is a voyeur
He really is. one who wants to see better or faster than the other requires ...
(Paul Virilio)
Somthing To Write On Guest Book Of A Weding Card
Introduction by the provincial, city
Higher density encounter the absence of noise and dangers
density, intensity, higher density of potential social contacts, meeting density ect.
this means places ahead of meeting spaces for interaction Understanding at all levels of the senses must be possible: ideally, given the absence belong to excessive noise (c'est le ton qui fait la musique: a pleasant noise gate), Abweseneheit from threats such as the excessive pace accelerated objects (traffic Calms , car-free). These circumstances are less and less true:
grows the no man's land: Unfortunately, even in cities
the central cities, a belt of non-places laid, which is growing continuously, across faceless settlements grow up, also the in-between to degrade non-places, the space in between is a transit area. Das Tempo lässt den Weg zu einer Last verkommen, die möglichst schnell hinter sich gebracht werden muss: Durchgangsraum wird zu Niemandsland, das Ziel ist nicht eine beschauliche Gestaltung des Weges, sondern nur noch das Tempo: schneller, schneller am Ziel, denn "das Ziel ist das Ziel – nicht der Weg". Bestehnde Bau- und Zonen-Ordnungen sind noch ganz von den 1950er - 1970ern geprägt als Nutzungstrennung ect. en vogue war. Ein architektonisch-urbanistisches Diskurs-Revival erlebte diese Auffassung in den 80ern mutmasslich durch Pamphlete wie "Learning von Las Vegas" und in den 90ern durch New-Age-Gebrabbel wie "Swarm-Intelligence": durch die nicht qualitative sondern nur quantitative Erfassung von Urbanität.
Die Provinzialiserierung der Stadt
Das politische Bewusstsein für qualitätsgeleitete Raumgestaltung und Mobilität muss auch für die kommenden Jahrzehnte wieder geschärft werden, denn es geht schlicht und einfach um den Umgang mit öffentlichem Raum, der heute immer zu einem rareren Gut wird: Das Vorhandensein von öffentlichem Raum, öffentlichen Gütern, kollektiven Themen, die Barriere-frei zugänglich sind, sind aber Voraussetzung für eine freiheitlichen Gesellschaft, die nicht nur auf Feudalwesen aufbaut, sondern demokratische Grundwerte vertritt. Gegenwärtig sieht die Situation auf der politischene Handlungs-Ebene jedoch relativ aussichtslos aus: Gemeindeautonomie bestimmt über Ein-Zonungen, Building codes will be voting for right-wing partisans to waste or if the linkages, the skins and achievements from the 90s to flow quickly away ... The provincial, city is in full swing: underground parking garages to destroy the urban road space, forcing the meeting places and the people in a temple of consumption, depth lanes grown tear apart neighborhoods and social cluster, monotonic function replace historic buildings angle. Man as a measure of all things disappear from the urban landscape will disappear from the streets and keep the feeding vessels that determine road width: Pedestrian safety islands shall be repealed "to calm the traffic flow and to the Kompatibilität des Verkehrsraumes mit 40-zig-Tonnen-LKWs herzustellen. Trottoirs werden verkleinert damit grosse Busse besser wenden können, ja sogar Tramprojekte werden missbraucht, um den Ausbau von Strassen-Schneisen zu rechtfertigen. Die Sperrung einer wichtigen Langsamverkehr- und Velo-Verbindung während der Sanierung einer Brücke gibt seltsamerweise keinen Anlass zu öffentlichen Diskussionen.
Ein Schritt nach vorn – Zwei Schritte zurück
Während in den 90er Jahren in der Stadt Zürich jeweils zwei Schritte nach vorn (Richtung nachhaltige Siedlungsentwicklung) und maximal ein Schritt zurück gemacht wurde, hat sich das Blatt in den 2010er Jahren gewendet. Bauboom um Bauboom fordern ihren Tribute, among which are suffering now the core cities. Urban residents are from car-free settlements Jahrundertwende, pre-and post-war displaced, demolition plus Minergie new building and underground parking or luxury renovation plus underground car park are the new standard: the new urban residents are car commuters and fly at least on weekends sometimes to New York or London, to include the new "urban-liberal-elite, new, hip cafés inhabit without substance and do not read books. Politically, it tends to the 'liberals', more skyscrapers in favor of solving problems, graffiti, cool place and you hear electronic music. Regular binge drinking, cigarette smoking pot and prove their progressive vein and its Affinität zu materiell weniger begüterten Klassen.
Eine Meditation zu einem Spaziergang um den Gütschhügel (Gütsch-Bahn ist seit 2008 eingestellt) um Luzern
verwoben mit Architektur, Städtebau, Zürcher Stadtentwickungspolitik und einer Prise Gesellschaftskritik ;-).
Und jetzt die Hinweise:
non-lieux / surmodernité
Marc Augé und die «Übermoderne»
(bobbycalifornia, nach uns und ein paar anderen sicher der närrischste aller blogger, mit einem hinweis auf das von uns nur überflogene buch sei jetzt wieder auf deutsch erhältlich: Verlag CH Beck)
(If even the French version in the first OT-reading, but we believe that the work is too theoretical and are probably the core of our criticism applied not included). Then there would have the references to "dromology Paul Virillio." Even a work that we have not really read that However, an important reference for the theoretical pigeonholing of their own thinking to be.
And finally, a work which we have read and relevant values, as indicated in the daily applied knowledge rather than theoretical treatise: all urban development-specific columns by Benedict Loderer on the ground floor up, to his departure in 2010, his dissertation "The exterior of the interior The interior of the outer space. "
Higher density encounter the absence of noise and dangers
density, intensity, higher density of potential social contacts, meeting density ect.
this means places ahead of meeting spaces for interaction Understanding at all levels of the senses must be possible: ideally, given the absence belong to excessive noise (c'est le ton qui fait la musique: a pleasant noise gate), Abweseneheit from threats such as the excessive pace accelerated objects (traffic Calms , car-free). These circumstances are less and less true:
grows the no man's land: Unfortunately, even in cities
the central cities, a belt of non-places laid, which is growing continuously, across faceless settlements grow up, also the in-between to degrade non-places, the space in between is a transit area. Das Tempo lässt den Weg zu einer Last verkommen, die möglichst schnell hinter sich gebracht werden muss: Durchgangsraum wird zu Niemandsland, das Ziel ist nicht eine beschauliche Gestaltung des Weges, sondern nur noch das Tempo: schneller, schneller am Ziel, denn "das Ziel ist das Ziel – nicht der Weg". Bestehnde Bau- und Zonen-Ordnungen sind noch ganz von den 1950er - 1970ern geprägt als Nutzungstrennung ect. en vogue war. Ein architektonisch-urbanistisches Diskurs-Revival erlebte diese Auffassung in den 80ern mutmasslich durch Pamphlete wie "Learning von Las Vegas" und in den 90ern durch New-Age-Gebrabbel wie "Swarm-Intelligence": durch die nicht qualitative sondern nur quantitative Erfassung von Urbanität.
Die Provinzialiserierung der Stadt
Das politische Bewusstsein für qualitätsgeleitete Raumgestaltung und Mobilität muss auch für die kommenden Jahrzehnte wieder geschärft werden, denn es geht schlicht und einfach um den Umgang mit öffentlichem Raum, der heute immer zu einem rareren Gut wird: Das Vorhandensein von öffentlichem Raum, öffentlichen Gütern, kollektiven Themen, die Barriere-frei zugänglich sind, sind aber Voraussetzung für eine freiheitlichen Gesellschaft, die nicht nur auf Feudalwesen aufbaut, sondern demokratische Grundwerte vertritt. Gegenwärtig sieht die Situation auf der politischene Handlungs-Ebene jedoch relativ aussichtslos aus: Gemeindeautonomie bestimmt über Ein-Zonungen, Building codes will be voting for right-wing partisans to waste or if the linkages, the skins and achievements from the 90s to flow quickly away ... The provincial, city is in full swing: underground parking garages to destroy the urban road space, forcing the meeting places and the people in a temple of consumption, depth lanes grown tear apart neighborhoods and social cluster, monotonic function replace historic buildings angle. Man as a measure of all things disappear from the urban landscape will disappear from the streets and keep the feeding vessels that determine road width: Pedestrian safety islands shall be repealed "to calm the traffic flow and to the Kompatibilität des Verkehrsraumes mit 40-zig-Tonnen-LKWs herzustellen. Trottoirs werden verkleinert damit grosse Busse besser wenden können, ja sogar Tramprojekte werden missbraucht, um den Ausbau von Strassen-Schneisen zu rechtfertigen. Die Sperrung einer wichtigen Langsamverkehr- und Velo-Verbindung während der Sanierung einer Brücke gibt seltsamerweise keinen Anlass zu öffentlichen Diskussionen.
Ein Schritt nach vorn – Zwei Schritte zurück
Während in den 90er Jahren in der Stadt Zürich jeweils zwei Schritte nach vorn (Richtung nachhaltige Siedlungsentwicklung) und maximal ein Schritt zurück gemacht wurde, hat sich das Blatt in den 2010er Jahren gewendet. Bauboom um Bauboom fordern ihren Tribute, among which are suffering now the core cities. Urban residents are from car-free settlements Jahrundertwende, pre-and post-war displaced, demolition plus Minergie new building and underground parking or luxury renovation plus underground car park are the new standard: the new urban residents are car commuters and fly at least on weekends sometimes to New York or London, to include the new "urban-liberal-elite, new, hip cafés inhabit without substance and do not read books. Politically, it tends to the 'liberals', more skyscrapers in favor of solving problems, graffiti, cool place and you hear electronic music. Regular binge drinking, cigarette smoking pot and prove their progressive vein and its Affinität zu materiell weniger begüterten Klassen.
Eine Meditation zu einem Spaziergang um den Gütschhügel (Gütsch-Bahn ist seit 2008 eingestellt) um Luzern
verwoben mit Architektur, Städtebau, Zürcher Stadtentwickungspolitik und einer Prise Gesellschaftskritik ;-).
Und jetzt die Hinweise:
non-lieux / surmodernité
Marc Augé und die «Übermoderne»
(bobbycalifornia, nach uns und ein paar anderen sicher der närrischste aller blogger, mit einem hinweis auf das von uns nur überflogene buch sei jetzt wieder auf deutsch erhältlich: Verlag CH Beck)
(If even the French version in the first OT-reading, but we believe that the work is too theoretical and are probably the core of our criticism applied not included). Then there would have the references to "dromology Paul Virillio." Even a work that we have not really read that However, an important reference for the theoretical pigeonholing of their own thinking to be.
And finally, a work which we have read and relevant values, as indicated in the daily applied knowledge rather than theoretical treatise: all urban development-specific columns by Benedict Loderer on the ground floor up, to his departure in 2010, his dissertation "The exterior of the interior The interior of the outer space. "
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Tower Defense 4 Not Blocked By School
am ... then exchange views ....
Hello together,
na, have you spent the weekend beautiful? Unfortunately the weather was not as nice as yesterday.
But there is hope that spring will come this year ;-)
Sorry did I show you today times have nothing, get nothing done this weekend, it was probably too short for me ;-)
Next Week I am unfortunately not able to look around and you can write anything. 'm Off to training and do not know yet whether I'll be there .. oh times have internet looking ...
I wish you a nice evening and a nice week Greetings
Hello together,
na, have you spent the weekend beautiful? Unfortunately the weather was not as nice as yesterday.
But there is hope that spring will come this year ;-)
Sorry did I show you today times have nothing, get nothing done this weekend, it was probably too short for me ;-)
Next Week I am unfortunately not able to look around and you can write anything. 'm Off to training and do not know yet whether I'll be there .. oh times have internet looking ...
I wish you a nice evening and a nice week Greetings
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Cholestorol Eating Before Test
The false path of Martin Ebel
The gifted literature expert Martin Ebel rather speaks for a generation of privileged than for the broad masses who have long been accustomed to living together. The social disturbance potential it would have long ago in the suburbanization be identified, dissected in the villages, residential clusters, industrial clusters, the long commute means that any social fabric torn apart in particular the nuclear family. The centralization, while suburbanization, the increasing dominance of private motor vehicles, the bunkered any creative design and creation of identity in interior spaces, while limiting the market-based self-realization to the choice of car brand, clothing brand or brand of cigarettes. The frustration potential disastrous structures, the destruction readable way, the barriers for non-motorized population, this ought to try, for these structures and exkludieren diskrminieren weite Teile der Bevölkerung aus dem selbstbestimmten Leben: Kinder, Jugendliche, Mütter, Gebrechliche, Alte und macht sie zu Abhängigen. Die Lösung zum Problem der Suburbanisiserung wäre die Reurbanisierung, aber nicht mit Towern mit Tiefgaragen, denen jegliche Bodenhaftung entgeht, sondern in Blockrandbebauungen, verkehrsberuhigten Strassenzügen, menschengemässe Architektur und Planung des Stadtraumes.
(Einlassung auf Martin Ebels Auslassungen)
The gifted literature expert Martin Ebel rather speaks for a generation of privileged than for the broad masses who have long been accustomed to living together. The social disturbance potential it would have long ago in the suburbanization be identified, dissected in the villages, residential clusters, industrial clusters, the long commute means that any social fabric torn apart in particular the nuclear family. The centralization, while suburbanization, the increasing dominance of private motor vehicles, the bunkered any creative design and creation of identity in interior spaces, while limiting the market-based self-realization to the choice of car brand, clothing brand or brand of cigarettes. The frustration potential disastrous structures, the destruction readable way, the barriers for non-motorized population, this ought to try, for these structures and exkludieren diskrminieren weite Teile der Bevölkerung aus dem selbstbestimmten Leben: Kinder, Jugendliche, Mütter, Gebrechliche, Alte und macht sie zu Abhängigen. Die Lösung zum Problem der Suburbanisiserung wäre die Reurbanisierung, aber nicht mit Towern mit Tiefgaragen, denen jegliche Bodenhaftung entgeht, sondern in Blockrandbebauungen, verkehrsberuhigten Strassenzügen, menschengemässe Architektur und Planung des Stadtraumes.
(Einlassung auf Martin Ebels Auslassungen)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Does A Blue Ahirt And Black Tie Mix
I was the last day ;-)
And so it looks ........
very pretty sight .....
A few test rolls to crochet and knit various little things ... let 's see if I make a couple of Granny's it. Ideas I have so much to many times again :-) I've
Unfortunately it had a false order. I wanted a gray color, but I've got here:
You know what I could do about it? Returning does not pay. Hmm ...* pondering * what does it do well? And
Real sacked recently in:
is knitted (Sorry for the blurry photo)
And the same day and finished knitted course ;-)
Sure, no very high quality wool, but very fluffy. And a couple of skeins for a few animals are also present. Very nice .... now missing is the time to process it all :-)
normal tomorrow and enjoy your last working day before the weekend
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Verschil Myasthenia Gravis Guillain Barre
Löschung der Homepage
Mangels Interesse wird die Homepage der Hegegemeinschaft Waldsassen zum Ende des Jagdjahres gelöscht.
Mangels Interesse wird die Homepage der Hegegemeinschaft Waldsassen zum Ende des Jagdjahres gelöscht.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
If Scorpio Man Is Flirts You Love How He Shows It
noise in the wool knitting my first meeting
Anyway, I'm very happy that but it has worked out. I've been on the private channels tried but I failed. The interest is just knitting but somehow different ... In my circle of friends is one of love, the movies, eating or sports ... Yes is ok, just my "special" interest in shares so right no one. I find sad and I would just want to invite a friend or talk to me even more to knit and can. But it is unfortunately not possible. Therefore, my poor treasure serve and assess and evaluate my knitted pieces, the arms: - /
Is knitting really much different? How did you ever done so? Hmm ... I live in such a strange city, where there is not such a thing? Can I nicht vorstellen. Ich denke das Strickinteresse ist doch relativ gleichmäßig auf der Welt verteilt, oder? Nur scheine ich die richtigen Leute noch nicht gefunden zu haben…oder vielleicht hab ich ja heute mein Ziel erreicht und weiß noch nichts davon. Ich bin gespannt wie das nächste Treffen wird….4 Wochen muss ich da jetzt leider warten. Und ich hoffe, dass sich bis dahin der Frühling durchgesetzt hat. Heute war es in der Location ganz schön kalt und mit kalten Fingern strickt es sich ganz schön schlecht.
Liebe Grüß und eine Gute Nacht
I've finally done: my first knitting meeting * yay *
It was really great. I want to have been yet found anyone like-minded people to knit the while chatting with me. But a yarn store with me around the corner offers such a thing. Not for commercial reasons, at least it's free. Well, I think, however, that the advertising for the store and the wool runs along somehow. Is somehow inevitable, but I find ok :-) Anyway, I'm very happy that but it has worked out. I've been on the private channels tried but I failed. The interest is just knitting but somehow different ... In my circle of friends is one of love, the movies, eating or sports ... Yes is ok, just my "special" interest in shares so right no one. I find sad and I would just want to invite a friend or talk to me even more to knit and can. But it is unfortunately not possible. Therefore, my poor treasure serve and assess and evaluate my knitted pieces, the arms: - /
Is knitting really much different? How did you ever done so? Hmm ... I live in such a strange city, where there is not such a thing? Can I nicht vorstellen. Ich denke das Strickinteresse ist doch relativ gleichmäßig auf der Welt verteilt, oder? Nur scheine ich die richtigen Leute noch nicht gefunden zu haben…oder vielleicht hab ich ja heute mein Ziel erreicht und weiß noch nichts davon. Ich bin gespannt wie das nächste Treffen wird….4 Wochen muss ich da jetzt leider warten. Und ich hoffe, dass sich bis dahin der Frühling durchgesetzt hat. Heute war es in der Location ganz schön kalt und mit kalten Fingern strickt es sich ganz schön schlecht.
Liebe Grüß und eine Gute Nacht
Monday, February 21, 2011
How To Put Sprite Pokemon In Soul Silver
Na einen schönen Wochenstart gehabt? Brrr...ist the cold outside now ... well I've run a couple of caps to ;-) Otherwise I would actually be an even more stupid :-)
Yes ... to a little-between-rescue project:
My Sweet has his cell phone pocket lost something stupid .... ado I got him out of my wool fundus can search for something ... And according to what color we have (s) used purposefully?
Exactly: DARK BLUE notice
Yes, not so flashy and not so fluffy and not .....
matter, thought and women's knitting going on ......
Hmmm...nicht eines meiner besten Ergebnisse, aber naja, kommt davon, wenn frau sich in den Stricknadeln vergreift und ne 4-er Nadel nimmt. Das war ja auch der erste Versuch, weitere folgen ganz bestimmt ;-)
Es gibt schon konkretere Vorstellungen und Wünsche, zur Optimierung des Täschchens....hach, was man da alles machen kann... *händereib*
Und das mit dem Nadelspiel lerne ich auch noch gleich...nicht so mein Ding....also Üben, Üben, Üben...
Dann klappt es auch bestimmt bald mal mit ein paar Socken...daran hab ich mich nämlich auch noch nicht getraut *schäm*
Euch noch einen schöne Montag
Na einen schönen Wochenstart gehabt? Brrr...ist the cold outside now ... well I've run a couple of caps to ;-) Otherwise I would actually be an even more stupid :-)
Yes ... to a little-between-rescue project:
My Sweet has his cell phone pocket lost something stupid .... ado I got him out of my wool fundus can search for something ... And according to what color we have (s) used purposefully?
Exactly: DARK BLUE notice
Yes, not so flashy and not so fluffy and not .....
matter, thought and women's knitting going on ......
Hmmm...nicht eines meiner besten Ergebnisse, aber naja, kommt davon, wenn frau sich in den Stricknadeln vergreift und ne 4-er Nadel nimmt. Das war ja auch der erste Versuch, weitere folgen ganz bestimmt ;-)
Es gibt schon konkretere Vorstellungen und Wünsche, zur Optimierung des Täschchens....hach, was man da alles machen kann... *händereib*
Und das mit dem Nadelspiel lerne ich auch noch gleich...nicht so mein Ding....also Üben, Üben, Üben...
Dann klappt es auch bestimmt bald mal mit ein paar Socken...daran hab ich mich nämlich auch noch nicht getraut *schäm*
Euch noch einen schöne Montag
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Church Sample Letter For Donation
attempt to jam the needles
wow, look at last today to talk over the sun ... I hope so, that spring can not all too long in coming ... so slow I've had enough of a cold nose and hands :-(
jam on my knitting needles is currently the projects .... Just have too many ideas and will implement all at once ... so I go slowly from the needles so I some knitting things to another needle umparken must * grin *
I've had a few weeks ago the fabric of Junghans wool ( here ) started. Should be a gift. However, I have to take a cotton yarn, as the Recipient may not tolerate anything (* scratch *) But somehow I come so slow no further .... each round is always laborious and time-eating :-( But I have to make so complete.
The lilac yarn is online and is called "Java"
My friend found this funny, because that fits with what I've done professionally is actually ... Hehe ... I did not buy when noticed :-)
And I could not wait, of course, and again a Pimpeliese started ... The yarn I've already bought a few weeks ago and ... my hats are itching in the fingers, when I saw the yarn .... I find the yarn and the colors are so beautiful that I've done just now * grin *
The yarn I've accidentally discovered in a hobby shop - Lana Grossa Giava Print "(color 103) - and I could not just go turn over. I've held the 4-needle here he plays a 5-er taken by the stitch pattern is a little fluffy in the picture ... unfortunately, not easily seen because it is not cocked. If I had time to make ... in the finished state, I pay attention then promised on it * *
If ye love
Did have a wonderful weekend and a sunny Sunday
wow, look at last today to talk over the sun ... I hope so, that spring can not all too long in coming ... so slow I've had enough of a cold nose and hands :-(
jam on my knitting needles is currently the projects .... Just have too many ideas and will implement all at once ... so I go slowly from the needles so I some knitting things to another needle umparken must * grin *
I've had a few weeks ago the fabric of Junghans wool ( here ) started. Should be a gift. However, I have to take a cotton yarn, as the Recipient may not tolerate anything (* scratch *) But somehow I come so slow no further .... each round is always laborious and time-eating :-( But I have to make so complete.
The lilac yarn is online and is called "Java"
My friend found this funny, because that fits with what I've done professionally is actually ... Hehe ... I did not buy when noticed :-)
And I could not wait, of course, and again a Pimpeliese started ... The yarn I've already bought a few weeks ago and ... my hats are itching in the fingers, when I saw the yarn .... I find the yarn and the colors are so beautiful that I've done just now * grin *
Here is a picture of
The yarn I've accidentally discovered in a hobby shop - Lana Grossa Giava Print "(color 103) - and I could not just go turn over. I've held the 4-needle here he plays a 5-er taken by the stitch pattern is a little fluffy in the picture ... unfortunately, not easily seen because it is not cocked. If I had time to make ... in the finished state, I pay attention then promised on it * *
If ye love
Did have a wonderful weekend and a sunny Sunday
Thursday, February 17, 2011
1996 Minnie Winnie Winnebago
mail for me ;-)
I forgot to tell so smooth. Some time ago I had bought me as a fancy new chair for my knitting corner was
I forgot to tell so smooth. Some time ago I had bought me as a fancy new chair for my knitting corner was
Unfortunately, this no longer have the matching ottoman ... well, over the Internet, it gave the order to not, not even in other cities was the stools in stock. I was pretty sad .... was
BUT in Cologne, there ihn angeblich noch...uuuuuund da hat es ein lieber netter Freund (er wohnt dort in der Nähe) doch tatsächlich gewagt und ist an einem SAMSTAG mit Kind und Kegel dort in das Möbelhaus gefahren..... An einem Samstag, wo dort die Hölle los ist.... Die Armen haben sich echt den Streß angetan....auweia....
ein paar Tage später hatte ich dann Post….ein RIIIIESEN Paket wartete darauf ausgepackt zu werden
BUT in Cologne, there ihn angeblich noch...uuuuuund da hat es ein lieber netter Freund (er wohnt dort in der Nähe) doch tatsächlich gewagt und ist an einem SAMSTAG mit Kind und Kegel dort in das Möbelhaus gefahren..... An einem Samstag, wo dort die Hölle los ist.... Die Armen haben sich echt den Streß angetan....auweia....
ein paar Tage später hatte ich dann Post….ein RIIIIESEN Paket wartete darauf ausgepackt zu werden
I expect it could not, as you can see when causing battlefield * grin *
and I've built up quite fixed ...
and now he is at his designated place
chic and comfortable, I think, and it is of course, have the space already used extensively ... and have determined there much of it and knit it to you this show ..... definitely :-)
Aja ... and cause the waste mountain has also taken away my sweet then still * freu *
It's always nice to have a man in the house ;-)
But do not you think that now that I claim the chair just for me. No my dear it must of course use common ;-) So I'm not :-) but then
wishes you a pleasant evening
But do not you think that now that I claim the chair just for me. No my dear it must of course use common ;-) So I'm not :-) but then
wishes you a pleasant evening
smurf and I in my chair :-)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Gay Cruising Locations In Indiana
strange knitting patterns ...
The picture is somewhat dark, but you can already see that the width (back) is no longer true .... that's pretty slim .... Actually, to be the 57 cm wide, which is certainly too much for me yet, but now there are only 34 cm .... Is the back somehow?
a na had a nice Valentine's Day ;-)
I have brought my knitting project begun in January, once again brought out. The jacket from the "Sabrina Special - Knitting Lust" I was so mad and chic that I wanted to start as soon as possible. In the meantime, I had time to page down ..... only now the project development is always more a strange impression on me. The knitting pattern is made up completely ... I fear this will be seen during the later wearing noticeable make ;-(
But see for yourself:
I have brought my knitting project begun in January, once again brought out. The jacket from the "Sabrina Special - Knitting Lust" I was so mad and chic that I wanted to start as soon as possible. In the meantime, I had time to page down ..... only now the project development is always more a strange impression on me. The knitting pattern is made up completely ... I fear this will be seen during the later wearing noticeable make ;-(
But see for yourself:
The picture is somewhat dark, but you can already see that the width (back) is no longer true .... that's pretty slim .... Actually, to be the 57 cm wide, which is certainly too much for me yet, but now there are only 34 cm .... Is the back somehow?
Hmmm...das Muster ist sinngemäß:
die Vorderreihe 2 re, 2 li, 2 verschränkt wie ein Zopf, 2 verschränkt wie ein Zopf, 2 li usw...
die Rückreihe: 2 li, 2 re, 4 li, 2re, ....usw
Durch diese "Verzopfung" von nur zwei Maschen ergibts sich so ein schönes Muster..sieht man auf den Bildern leider nich so gut...Aber ich hoffe ihr wisst was ich meine....
Verwendetes Garn ist von Schachenmayer „Universa“…liegt das am Garn oder warum zieht sich das so zusammen? Kann man dagegen irgendwas tun? Auf den Bildern in der Zeitung wirkt das aber nicht so heftig…
Maschenprobe I had also made. Since I but the sizes are always accessible to large to fit what I had measured with the yarn used to guide again. So I've since made no further worries ....
die Vorderreihe 2 re, 2 li, 2 verschränkt wie ein Zopf, 2 verschränkt wie ein Zopf, 2 li usw...
die Rückreihe: 2 li, 2 re, 4 li, 2re, ....usw
Durch diese "Verzopfung" von nur zwei Maschen ergibts sich so ein schönes Muster..sieht man auf den Bildern leider nich so gut...Aber ich hoffe ihr wisst was ich meine....
Verwendetes Garn ist von Schachenmayer „Universa“…liegt das am Garn oder warum zieht sich das so zusammen? Kann man dagegen irgendwas tun? Auf den Bildern in der Zeitung wirkt das aber nicht so heftig…
Maschenprobe I had also made. Since I but the sizes are always accessible to large to fit what I had measured with the yarn used to guide again. So I've since made no further worries ....
But now ... well I need your help :-(
the desperate Kleene
supplement some photos:
I tried again the pictures from the newspaper photograph, not easy ..
I tried again the pictures from the newspaper photograph, not easy ..
So the pictures do not look so as if it is stretched. Clearly the woman is contained in it, and framed on the jacket. But you can see well on the front that when the jacket is down so that the purl stitches are clearly much better than me.
here of even a few close-ups my result: (I know, the light is not so hot now ... sorry)
here of even a few close-ups my result: (I know, the light is not so hot now ... sorry)
Die 2 linken Machen verschwinden bei mir irgendwie zwischen den beiden rechten Maschen. Kann man das erkennen? Das ist gar nicht so einfach zu fotografieren.....
Und ich hab das begonnene Vorderteil mal gespannt:
Und ich hab das begonnene Vorderteil mal gespannt:
Ich komme jetzt zwar auf 25-26 cm, das würde auch reichen...aber wie gesagt, wenn ich die Jacke anhätte, ware die ja nicht gespannt. Die Jacke hat vorne nur ganz oben einen Knopf.
Hmm ... I'm just wondering about whether I'm even further if the contracts now so ....
Gauge ... well, that I'm not in practice. I'm just the 112 stitches from the back and once struck the 10 cm high knitted. Since I did not fit with the sizes anyway (yes were in cm next to it), I have just taken a right to from my sweaters and fit as all that. I always do so, since I enjoy the size of the knitting instructions are always far too high. Has always worked well so far .... Only problem is the longer the garment is, the more it shrinks it. I wonder whether you hold the stretch then need to fit or can iron or whatever .... Or whether it is just the yarn. The newspaper used the bamboo yarn (80% bamboo, 20% extra fine Merionwolle).
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Brazilian Wax Will Bleed
something different ...
Already some time ago and at the same time sewing away, so I had no picture to show it to you here, I get the now just after the end of last year ;-)
habe ich einen Nähkurs besucht. War ganz witzig und lustig. Nähen an sich kann ich zwar, aber so ganz filigrane Sachen konnte ich dann doch nicht soooo gut. Und außerdem hatte ich so ein wenig Gesellschaft beim werkeln. Und meine geschenkte (bzw geerbte) Nähmaschine kam so auch mal zum
Einsatz ;-)
Hier also eines meiner genähten Werke aus dem Kurs:
Ja, das Täschchen war am Wochenende zu Besuch und so hab ich die Chance genutzt mal ein paar Fotos zu machen ;-)
Vorne drauf befindet sich eine kleine Tasche und innen natürlich auch. War gar nicht so schwer zu . Make However, I managed the zip a little, but he's in it and it works. What more could you want ;-) I decide Color me blue and white ... should stop for a man. And pink or red has since time does not .... as you know ;-)
Hmmm ... I had the template from the internet .. but I can not find again. Anyone who may have ... but I like to go again on the quest for it :-)
you a great start to the week
Already some time ago and at the same time sewing away, so I had no picture to show it to you here, I get the now just after the end of last year ;-)
habe ich einen Nähkurs besucht. War ganz witzig und lustig. Nähen an sich kann ich zwar, aber so ganz filigrane Sachen konnte ich dann doch nicht soooo gut. Und außerdem hatte ich so ein wenig Gesellschaft beim werkeln. Und meine geschenkte (bzw geerbte) Nähmaschine kam so auch mal zum
Einsatz ;-)
Hier also eines meiner genähten Werke aus dem Kurs:
Ja, das Täschchen war am Wochenende zu Besuch und so hab ich die Chance genutzt mal ein paar Fotos zu machen ;-)
Vorne drauf befindet sich eine kleine Tasche und innen natürlich auch. War gar nicht so schwer zu . Make However, I managed the zip a little, but he's in it and it works. What more could you want ;-) I decide Color me blue and white ... should stop for a man. And pink or red has since time does not .... as you know ;-)
Hmmm ... I had the template from the internet .. but I can not find again. Anyone who may have ... but I like to go again on the quest for it :-)
you a great start to the week
Milena Velbaz In The Buss
Sure, Lena has guessed correctly, it should Schildi the turtle to be ....
Here is a complete picture of turtle:
Wir haben gestern köstlich gelacht, als ich diese Schildkröte fertig hatte.... Sieht aus wie E.T. verkleidet als Schildkröte....*grins*
Da ich die so nicht lassen konnte, hab ich das Tierchen heute nochmal aufgemacht:
Entgegen der Anleitung hab ich Schildie auch ein paar Füße verpasst und einen hübscheren Kopf...
Sieht doch gleich viel besser aus ;-)
So nun bin ich beruhigter und kann mich an mein eigentliches Strickprojekt machen... Bei dem grauen Wetter can you do eh nothing nicer ;-)
you all a good Sunday
@ Lena:
Congratulations, you were right ;-) I'll unfortunately
can not reply to your comment so that you get a mail ... I'm blogging so completely under control yet: - /
Sure, Lena has guessed correctly, it should Schildi the turtle to be ....
Here is a complete picture of turtle:
Wir haben gestern köstlich gelacht, als ich diese Schildkröte fertig hatte.... Sieht aus wie E.T. verkleidet als Schildkröte....*grins*
Da ich die so nicht lassen konnte, hab ich das Tierchen heute nochmal aufgemacht:
Entgegen der Anleitung hab ich Schildie auch ein paar Füße verpasst und einen hübscheren Kopf...
Sieht doch gleich viel besser aus ;-)
So nun bin ich beruhigter und kann mich an mein eigentliches Strickprojekt machen... Bei dem grauen Wetter can you do eh nothing nicer ;-)
you all a good Sunday
@ Lena:
Congratulations, you were right ;-) I'll unfortunately
can not reply to your comment so that you get a mail ... I'm blogging so completely under control yet: - /
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