Monday, February 28, 2011

What Are Basque People Like

Dromology, Paul Virilio, a

"But the late work Virilio pointed anthropomorphism [6] of its media analysis suggests the heuristic value of his dromologischen perspective keinseswegs obsolete. It is rather its seismographic sense of invisible figurations within the visible, the other design rules of the technical media exposing than their merely functional evidence. Driving a car is about to describe not only as a goal-directed movement but also generates a filmic-hallucinatory drug, the fleeting images and certainly promoted real accidents, the fly seems to shrink, not only distances but also the horizon of experience: the mass tourist do not travel, if it - for example, - In a two hour flight away and fenced Hotel in North Africa his native neighbors meet at the buffet - for the umpteenth time during the year. The political public disappears when the immobilized viewers images of war consumed in the form of (unchanging) virtual flash, that peculiar silence the spectrum of quasi-light-speed weapons systems still only simulated as a harmless video game. .. All this Virilio calls the "dromosphärische pollution" [7] of our earth, "

statement by Georg Christoph Tholen
speed as a device to the horizon of the work of Paul Virilio in dromology
(abstract, full text published in: Joseph Yurt (Ed.), From Michel Serres and Julia Kristeva. Rombach Verlag [Litterae series, vol 69], Fribourg 1999, p. 135-162. ISBN: 3-7930 - 9216-X)
The first war is a voyeur
He really is. one who wants to see better or faster than the other requires ...
(Paul Virilio)


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