Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rc Helicopter Parts Shop In Mumbai

Hetzerei im NEUEN TAG - Leserbrief

your article "When the glow tubes" - Page 4/Opf./Bayern on Wednesday, 12/30/2009 (click to read the article and your picture)

The changing values \u200b\u200bin our society, we can already scare. There are people in our society who spend thousands of euros each year for the fact that they may cherish wild on a small area. you are then required launch numbers for deer, they may use their weapons unloaded only be transported in closed containers, they must once again for their storage at home much money for a new cabinet aufdoktrierten weapons issue and they are constantly bombarded with new, easy-statutory rules of ignorant politicians to whom they must follow, although virtually no evidence of legal firearms offenses are committed. Finally, violations of safety regulations be interpreted as a crime, they are controlled and their fundamental right to freedom of the limited, although they adhere to the best of my knowledge and belief all the rules in our society. It is almost incredible that the hunting passion is still so hard to resist the all.

addition, there are Leute wie Andrea LANG aus Neustadt und Berichterstatter wie „so“ vom NEUEN TAG, die ebenfalls die Jäger anfeinden. Jäger gehen in der Dämmerung und nachts durch den Wald, um Wild nachzustellen. Obwohl sie für diese Passion und das Einstehen für die Wildtiere viel Geld investieren und qualifiziert ausgebildet sind, werden nicht nur sie, sondern auch das Wild von Joggern, freilaufenden Hunden, Mountainbike-Fahrern, Fußgängern und anderen Freizeit-Aktivisten gestört. Daß das Jagdrecht zum Eigentumsrecht gehört, ist evident. Trotzdem gibt es Personen, die darüber ihr Grundrecht auf allgemeine Handlungsfreiheit stellen, also zu tun und zu lassen, was sie wollen. Letztlich ausschlaggebend ist jedoch das Grundrecht auf Eigentum, denn die allgemeine Handlungsfreiheit gilt auch für Jäger und Freizeitaktivisten gleichermaßen. Es ist also auch die Schuld derer, die Wild ständig stören, insbesondere in den Dämmerungs- und Nachtstunden, so daß Wild im Laufe des Jahres dermaßen heimlich wird, es sich in Dickungen zurückzieht und es im Dezember vermehrt zu Abschüssen kommt.

Eigentlich wollte ich auf den dilettantischen Artikel nicht eingehen, trotzdem noch einige Worte zur Richtigstellung: Im Winter werden auch vermehrt Sauen und Füchse bejagt. Das Schwarzwild richtet nicht unerhebliche Schäden in der Landwirtschaft an und Füchse leiden bei übermäßigem Stock of wild diseases such as mange or rabies. To call it "bloody shooting match" even more inflammatory stresses the intention of the author - also I have not seen any place killed piece that is not after the shot, "bleeds".

launch plans for deer, which for 3 years and not as listed in your article are fixed for one year and said a year "upward adjustment" to be imposed on hunters in particular by so-called Verbißgutachten, although most hunters more deer in their want to have grounds. Furthermore prohibits huntsman-worthy, so all geschriebenen und ungeschriebenen Regeln der Jagd, dem Jäger einen anderen Schuß als den Blattschuß auf Lunge und Herz. Ein hoher Abschuß in der Jugendklasse, also Kitze und Frischlinge, ergibt sich von selbst, da es der Erhaltung eines gesunden und gut strukturierten Wildbestandes dient und natürliche Feinde, wie das Großraubwild bereits vom ignoranten und egoistischen Menschen ausgerottet wurde.

Ein Reh ist ein sogenannter „Konzentratselektierer“, also eigentlich eine „Naschkatze“. Es verbeißt nur wählerisch junge Triebe und nimmt nur einzelne Pflänzchen. Es ist kein „Wiesentier“. Eine professionelle Recherche hätte dem Berichterstatter „s.o.“, der offensichtlich völlig frei von wildbiologischem Wissen ist und trotzdem solche Artikel verfasst, gezeigt, dass der Begriff „Wiesentier“ nicht existiert und höchstens für das sogenannte „Weidevieh“ – Kühe und Schafe – verwendet werden könnte.

Das groß abgebildete „Reh“ ist übrigens ein Stück Rotwild. Rehwild schält keine Bäume.

Für die Redaktion auch noch ein kurzes Feedback: Lassen Sie keine Vegetarier, Veganer oder sonstige Ahnungslose derartige Berichte über Jagd oder Fleischverwertung schreiben. Drucken Sie derartige Meinungen von einzelnen Personen nicht größer ab, als the report of a driver-amok on the motorway!

you can print the letter at any time as a letter to the editor.

Ingmar Wenisch, Waldsassen

fact on 07/01/2010 reproduced letters in the new day, but shortened by the editors of the new day in the major parts (click to open link):

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Vìdeo Russe Mature

Deutsch-tschechische Treibjagd auf Sauen


- entry was deleted at the request of Hubert Rustler -


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Baby Collection Wordings

T E R M I N E 2009

out of date --- ---

  1. Saturday 03.01.2009, 14.00 h, clay pigeon shooting of Hegel Community Waldsassen on the mountain Teichel
  2. Saturday, 03.01. 2009, from 18.00 h, target practice in peace rock under the direction of Michael Mickisch
  3. Thursday of, 08.01.2009, Stammtisch of Hegel Community Waldsassen the "Pirkl "
  4. Saturday, 01.17.2009, 11.00 - 19.00 h, first Friedenfelser boar shooting with award ceremony from 20.00 h (conditions: valid hunting license, no estimates, no baby carrier, high wild-grade caliber, 3 series with 5 shot at serial boar from the right, best series: wild boar nobility, the best overall result: price, entry fee € 14), binding reservation under 0151 14,916,516 or e-mail:
  5. Thursday 05.02.2009, annual meeting of the Community Forest Hege at Assen, "Pirkl" with election of the first chairman
  6. Thursday, 03/26/2009 , Stammtisch of Hegel Community Waldsassen the "Pirkl" due later phase of the moon
  7. Donnerstag, 23.04.2009, Stammtisch der Hegegemeinschaft Waldsassen beim "Pirkl" später wegen Mondphas e
  8. Montag, 27.04.2009, ab 19.00 h, Aufbruchessen beim "Wirt" (Gasthof Lang) in Höflas - es erfolgt keine weitere Einladung - wer kommt, der kommt...!
  9. Samstag, 09.05.2009, Hegeschau in Waldsassen im Haus St. Josef, Kloster Waldsassen; ab 10.00 h Anlieferung der Rehgehörne, ab 12.00 h, Einlaß der Öffentlichkeit, ab 14.00 h offizielles Programm, Falken- und Jagdhundevorführung, Wildgerichte durch die Küche des Gästehauses St. Josef
  10. Donnerstag, 21.05.2009, Stammtisch der Hegegemeinschaft Waldsassen the "Pirkl" later for moon phase
  11. Thursday, 06.25.2009, Stammtisch of Hegel Community Waldsassen the "Pirkl" later for moon phase
  12. Saturday, 11.07.2009, 19.30 h, barbecue of Hegel Community Waldsassen in Hardeck the Adam-farmers, fee € 5 for HG-members and Annex
  13. Thursday, 23.07.2009, Stammtisch of Hegel Community Waldsassen the "Pirkl" later for moon phase
  14. Thursday, 08.20.2009, Stammtisch of Hegel Community Forest at Assen "Pirkl", später wegen Mondphase
  15. Samstag, 22.08.2009, ab 10 h: DEUTSCH-TSCHECHISCHES NATUR- UND JÄGERFEST, Laserschiessen, Tombola u.a., Wunsiedel, Katharinenberg, Organisation: CORNI DI EGRA mit Förderung durch EUREGIO EGRENSIS und Zukunftsfond Prag
  16. 25.09.2009, Stammtisch der Hegegemeinschaft Waldsassen beim "Pirkl"
  17. 10. und 11.Oktober - grenzüberschreitendes Jägerfest - Organsiation: Stadt ASCH (CZ) und CORNI DI EGRA e.V./o.s., gefördert aus Mitteln von EUREGIO EGRENSIS
  18. Samstag, 17.10.2009, 2. Friedenfelser boar shooting
  19. Thursday, 29.10.2009, Stammtisch of Hegel Community Waldsassen the "Pirkl "
  20. Saturday, 31/10/2009, Nightmare at Kondrau I, Kondrau II, Höflas, meeting place 08.00 h, power steel - please think of additional drivers and bring !
  21. Saturday, 07.11.2009, 09-12 h, Scheibenausschießen Protect Hauswald aces n
  22. Saturday, 07.11.2009, 18.00 h Hubertusmesse, Basilica Waldsassen followed Hubert celebration, lectures abbess and Baron von Gemmingen
  23. Thursday, 26.11.2009, Stammtisch accounts for the Hege Community Waldsassen the "Adam farmers" in Hardeck
  24. December Stammtisch

dates from 2009, 2008 and 2007 (see below)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

How Does My Cervix Feels Before Menstsruation

Marian Drobny gestorben

In December 2009, died of Czech nationals Marian Drobny. He often helped out at the Waldsassner hunting horn blowers and was a founding member of the DI CORNIER EGRA ev / os, it was accompanied with hunting horns on his last journey in Eger in the cemetery.

memorial site with some pictures on

Monday, November 2, 2009

Best Type Of Fabric For A Pencil Skirt

Treibjagd 2009_Kondrau I, II Kondrau, Höflas

again this year, took back nearly 40 hunters and drivers the joint hunt in three districts on 30.10.2009 part. Three men hunting loaded with 14 drivers and 9 hunting horn blowers at a beautiful communal hunting day one. Sociability, cohesion, huntsman-worthy and hunting traditions were re-introduced later, as the route.
king was hunting this year, a young hunter from pasture for the resulted one of the happiest days of his life when he shot one with a not so far sighted unknown "future capitals bucks" in the area Höflas rolling and let the fire die. After the route was set during the subsequent bowl and bustle at the inn in LONG Höflas brought back many of the "Old Lohhäuser" and "foaming tankard" in cabbage meat used. The court held
hunting on the participating hunter who has made the most misses. The court but ended with a "comparison": The hunter and his five injured namely forward cleaning shots neither wild nor hunting participants. He offered immediately to a round of alcoholic drink and approved the round with a common "good hunting" at. It was therefore unanimously on a ruling of the court hunting omitted.

Below a few photographs has been captured impressions of social saturday:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Nice Rock Scooter Images

second Friedenfelser boar hunt shooting

BAJ 12/2009

To the new shooting range in Friedenfels it again attracted hunters from the districts Hof, Bayreuth, Neustadt / WN, Weiden and Tirschenreuth on 18/10/2009. Baron Eberhard von Gemmingen-Hornberg (right) hosted jointly with the hunting gun director Michael Mick table (left) for the 2 Friedenfelser "boar-shooting". The ultra-modern flagship facility with the "moving target" is known about the county's borders. The event was well attended, but "could be the participation of residents in the vicinity of hunters from the northern Oberpfalz be much better. In the foreseeable future, each hunter must prove his shooting skill, which is consistent with the huntsman-worthy and respect for the creature in line ", the second circuit group chairman of the BJV the district Tirschenreuth, Baron Eberhard von Gemmingen-Hornberg. At his press hunts are now only more hunters charged, the evidence on a regular basis on the Shooting practiced.
The group "Corni Tues Egra" created again for the musical entertainment. Freiherr von Gemmingen-Hornberg presented the won "Keiler needles. Each participant was given again great prizes by Michael Mick table, regardless of the shooting result. The Winner Stefan Kraus (3rd from left) and the second placed Jens Ullmann (2nd from left) were re-awarded a special prize from Baron Eberhard von Gemmingen-Hornberg.
On the shooting range can not be shot only from 100 to 300 meters on several panels, but also in the running boar. A computer screen shows the results based on each track immediately.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Nutrition Of Deer Sauage

The next DLD is determined XING

Before me here one asks why I actually blogging the whole time, I said it voluntarily. Has inspired me nothing. I have acute tech-burnout. This should improve dramatically after November, however.

a bit but what I have for you: will the next DLD of 24 to 26 January 2010 in Munich. If all goes as usual, there are hopefully ahead again a blogger meeting. These are then added in due course details.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Seeking Paris Kennedy

2009 - 31.10.2009

on 31/10/2009 finds a roundup held in three districts.
meeting place as it did last year in power at 08.00 h.
steel bowl and bustle in the port (around noon) back at the inn Lang Höflas.
It is requested that as each hunter also bring a driver!
For organizational reasons, we ask for early commitments (including driver).

Für unsere tschechischen Jagdgäste:

The Czechs need REQUEST the issue of hunting license. Please timely reporting of who comes. We need a European Firearms Pass, hunting permit and passport photo. Hunting insurance is twenty-five euros for two weeks.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Bio Sculpture Gel Nail For Sale

Jagdhornbläser 10th meeting in Asch 11:10:09

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

John Cena Thumb And Pinkie

and hunting terrier with papers mediated

gesundheitlichen Aus Gründen hat ein Jäger submitted by the community Hege Waldsassen his trained hunting terrier. He had to go to the hospital on 12.09.09. Papers for the dog were present. The dog was after Lochau mediated through our website at no charge successfully.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Garden Wire Fence Tensioners

First German-Czech nature and hunting festival in Wunsiedel on the Katharinenberg

BAJ Issue 11/2009

Article Frankenpost

Article The New Tag

Three of the patrons, from left to right for the district administrator Wolfgang LIPPERT Tirschenreuth district, District Administrator Dr. Dohler for the district and Wunsiedel Wunsiedel Mayor Karl-Willi Beck were enthusiastic about the event.

Czech delicacies were also there, hunting archers, carousel, a raptor show, off-road car manufacturers, tours in German and Czech and many more ...
400-500 prospects visited the excellent showing of Michael Mickisch dogs. About 1500

guests, of which about one third from the neighboring Czech Republic, have populated on Saturday Katharinenberg. The occasion was the "1st German-Czech hunters and nature festival." Had organized the festival, the German-Czech Jagdhornbläser group Corni Tues Egra "from Waldsassen, together with Eckard Mikisch of prey park, Severin Wejbora of the country hunting school and city forester Hubert Stein of "place of learning nature" of the city Wunsiedel. Financial support was the organization of the Euregio Egrensis, the German-Czech Future Fund and the firm of Ziegler.
played at the opening of the hunting horn group. Ingmar Wenisch, Chairman of "Corni Tues Egra, welcomed the guests in German. The same part was carried out in Czech horn master Milos Sedivy. Their greeting was particularly the six patrons. These were: the District Administrators Wolfgang Lippert from Tirschenreuth and Dr. Karl Dohler from Wunsiedel, the mayor of Asch, Dalibor Blazek, Professor Dr. Hartmut wound ratchet by the National Association of Bavarian hunting, the director of forest and forest enterprise Asch, Jirci Cerventa, and the dogs chairman of the Czech / Moravian Hunters Association, Dr. Vlastimil Novotni. The other honored guests were welcomed. Wenisch thanked the representatives of local politics for the easy approval, and all sponsors and helpers who had made possible the celebration. Natural associate said, Wenisch. He pointed to the cross-border cooperation, which should be encouraged by this event on. Sure could thus rise to new friendships.
addition to many delicacies from the Bavarian and Bohemian cuisine awaited the visitors in the beer tent is a diversified offer. At the site of the ruined church there were numerous stands of hunting, fishing and fisheries needs of German and Czech companies. Were also off-road vehicles from Renault and Nissan WITTKE to marvel at the car dealership KING (VW and Skoda) and TOYOTA ENGEL.
city forester Hubert Stein and a colleague from the Czech Republic led the guests through the public park with deer park, "a place of learning nature" and bat cellar. At the stations, there was one small sample of herbal brandy.
well received was the hunting dog demonstration at the "natural place of learning" by Michael Mickisch and the next presentation by Dr. Novotni (dogs chairman Czech Republic and Moravia). During the afternoon there was a bird of prey demonstration with Hunting horn sounds. Crowded the visitors were also at the site of the archers, who were some demonstrations. Over 50 shooters participated in the competition for the honor disk. This eventually went with a 106-divider to Gerhard Burges.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Pharmaceutical Calculations Question

the Line

So, now gave me really. After two (!) Contact requests, a back and forth on the part of the platform operator and finally decided to group my bagged as already discussed, promised and announced, To delete, I get weeks later by a friend a mail with a message revealing that the group continue to languish happily to herself. So again requested at XING, since I still a little surprised, and this morning received this mail:

thank you for your message.

We are pleased that you have built up such a large, interesting and successful group
and would like to thank once again very much for your commitment

We represent the philosophy that the groups are the members. The
means that we, even after the departure of a founder and principal facilitator of
the cancellation of a large and active group, such as your refrain. There have
reported group members who want to maintain the group.
Since the group does not want to continue to serve, we sold you, the presenter
and are looking for a new moderator.

We wish you a nice day

first how come so suddenly this mysterious members who are fighting so desperately for a group to which they have not taken part time?

second interesting that the mail was just signed by the person who has acquired the group as a moderator.

third TWICE has previously been given to me right that no activity in the group takes place and they should therefore be deleted. And suddenly, see 1 and 2

long, long time I have kept XING platform for the better, and defended against competitors such as Facebook, with its dubious business ideas. Now I realize that XING is a damn care about the opinion of the members that left the keyboard has no idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the right types, and that other critics are absolutely correct when they say that a club of fickle XING clueless seems to be (see the Gezicke to the Pirate Party Group). And I'm supposed to represent my business interests? You have got to be kidding!

Premium Membership has already been terminated. And as soon as the March puts his head out of the gray mist, I will leave this club. "Customer service" is different. And the competition does at least its members seriously.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Charriol Earrings Philippines

Big Munsterlander Puppy (Female) to mediate

mid / late August, a Big Munsterlander puppy without papers would be given. It is this "accident" is a bitch and the breeder wants € 200 for his expenses. There were three puppies and the bitch is to be made yet. A photo follows ...
If interested, please register at ingmar.wenisch @

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Used Brewery For Sale

gone from the network

So I almost could rename this blog ... right now my skin just nothing really socks off. But you can find me now increasingly on Facebook (hu-hum, but one may well still change his mind!).

What annoyed me the last few days really fat is the way in which XING deal with paying members. My group, Web for Women, was indeed a nice experiment, but despite Newsletter, Themenanstössen, dates, etc. were the ladies einfach nicht in genügender Zahl bereit mitzumachen. Meine Anfragen, ob nicht jemand als Moderator übernehmen wolle, stiessen auf taube Ohren. Als ich schliesslich ankündigte, die Gruppe löschen zu lassen, kam kaum Echo. Also schickte ich die erforderliche Mail an den Support. Tage später war immernoch keine Antwort da, also versuchte ich es nochmal. Als auch daraufhin wieder nur die automatische Rückmeldung eintrudelte, fragte ich in der XING Moderationsgruppe mal nach, wie lange sowas im Durchschnitt dauere. Plötzlich kam -zack, zack- eine Antwort auf Anfrage Nr. 1. Man finde es schade, verstehe aber meine Beweggründe und werde die Gruppe nach einer Karenzzeit von zwei Wochen löschen. Prima.

Nun versteht man sure that I was somewhat surprised to receive the reply on ticket No. 2, one could even find me a replacement moderator. Again, I wrote what I had written a week ago. This time I was told after a few minutes, a new host will now find and you hope I will stay as a group member.

The words that come to mind this just should not blog a good man really tightened public. Within seconds (!) I removed the group! XING love, not only do I not remain in an inactive group, this is my time to shame. I'll get even with the expiration of my membership entirely from your club. I can be kidding elsewhere. Presumably this is the proverbial single case, but I personally enough the perfect.

And who can find me, can do the future in the competition.

Addendum: aha. I say yes. Misunderstanding. Too bad that the little dragon ears leave no longer so wish.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Quanvert Installation Error -115

be read! National Blog Posting Month

Who has not, after the first blogger elation, a phase in which almost by posting their own, there comes the point where, at best, a few words are sporadically published. For many good blogs are like this lack of time and lack of interest (and perhaps vanishingly small readership) inactive members. In June, the National Blog Posting Month to be held against it. After registering on the NaBloPoMo homepage one is encouraged to prepare for the month of June every day a post. Yet one can either use a particular topic, or just start blogging.

I see no reason why this action is essential to maintain national and am involved too, but with my English blog . And who of you I can read up to month end of each day?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Does Breastfeeding Cause Smelly Urine

Learning on the Net: Say Something in Welsh

Two of my passions are languages \u200b\u200band travel. In February, I fulfilled my long cherished desire to go to Wales once. I had thought no more about it; Finally, we speak English there. But as soon as my taxi driver said 'Bore da' to me, it happened to me. First, take the next trip to Cardiff is already planned. Second, I will this time also was able to say in Welsh. The chance to buy at the airport an audio course, I'm sleepy. So once again has to serve the search giant. Lo and behold, researchers are looking for English-language material, you will find fix.

So, for example, offer the venerable BBC a wonderful site for Walisischlerner on which may include beginners with Colin and his dog Cumberland playfully expand their vocabulary. No experience is necessary (ich habs ausprobiert!).

Wirklich hängengebliegen bin ich dann aber bei meiner zweiten Wahl, der ausgezeichneten Webseite Say Something in Welsh . Die Seite bietet zwei liebevoll gemachte, informative Audiokurse an, einmal Süd-, einmal Nordwalisisch (Cardiff liegt an der Südküste, es ist also offensichtlich, welchen von beiden ich gerade beackere). Alternativ kann man die einzelnen Lektionen direkt von der Webseite im mp3-Format herunterladen, oder den Podcast auf iTunes abonnieren. Dazu gibt es in den Foren Rundumbetreuung der Lernenden in Form von Zusatzlektionen oder verschiedenen Angeboten, das Gelernte schnell zu vertiefen, z.B. via Skype. SSIW bietet begleitend auch eine Facebook-Gruppe und das DailyWelshWord on Twitter, and all, by the way, free of charge.

Each lesson is 30 minutes. The podcasters recommend that you schedule as possible every day 20 minutes to practice. The entire course is completely designed to bring the language to interested parties as quickly as possible to speak. There is no vocabulary lists, and no writing exercises, but a solid basic vocabulary and lots of speaking practice. After just one lesson provides you surprised that you have mastered cause to say about 50 sentences.

I usually do with my audio learning as a visually oriented person rather difficult. But Cat and Iestyn make me easy draufloszuquatschen. The format is ideal during the to practice driving to work.

Why would you ever learn Welsh? Answers can be found at Gwybodiadur . A detailed list of resources to be found in Walisischlernende . The pictures from my visit to Cardiff in Gibts Flickr .

Thursday, June 18, 2009

What Is Kirsch Butter

Vyv Runs: Run Internet tools

"race" is perhaps somewhat exaggerated. At the moment I would describe my pace rather than "Dahintroddeln. Years ago I went for a jog with a friend. At that time I "ran" so slowly that they were walking alongside. ;)

But anyhoo, it's not lost completely, but the associated websites. I am that is difficult to motivate. The enthusiasm on the gigantic side of Runner's World me too much. JKRunning (German, Jens Karrass) is certainly in detail, but basically just a huge banner advertising the coaching staff. And I really only run just for the heck in the fight against the belly. This whole Hooah! about marathons and running times I do not care a damn. My beginner friendly Anfütterlaufplan designed by Karrass, I then also found in

good, but I'm curious to see how far I've run this week already (Answer: four and a half kilometers). In Jogmap I can via Google Earth integration View my pathless woods, calculate build an odometer for my blog and leave, how many calories I blow while running. So I'm quite satisfied first.

also my various shoe manufacturers are competing for my favor. This they call me even generously as "athlete." Those who look only for general tips for beginners, at quite well served. The site, however, apart from advertising, absolutely no frills.

Tools What mileage you can recommend? Or is your passion, an entirely different sport?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Bootcamps Nyc Cost Price Fee

forensics like CSI, only real

Coincidentally, I read recently Michael Tsokos' book "The Death on the trail . Now there is morbid contemporaries like me and the sensation of the Berlin Charité tourism in one of his exhibition, launched with the wonderful title "From the crime scene to the laboratory ." Because of the theme the exhibition for visitors aged 16 years is open, is closed on Mondays. Until 13 September, you can let the creeps of the murderous ingenuity of his fellow men, by the way, there are a series of lectures .

admission (without guide): Full € 5, € 2.50 concessions, family ticket € 10 Tours cost three additional € zum normalen Eintritt.

(Anfahrtsskizze via BMM Charite )

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Best Of Lotta Topp

Trau Dich! Find your inner smith

Bei Katja Schorkopf in Berlin-Friedrichshain kann man einen Goldschmiedekurs belegen und zum Beispiel seine eigenen Eheringe schmieden. Ein Kurs dauert jeweils vier Abende und kostet €120. Vorkenntnisse sind nicht notwendig. Mehr Info und Anmeldung auf Frau Schorkopfs Webseite, Kopfsilber . Die Ladenwerkstatt in der Rigaer Strasse ist dienstags bis freitags von 11 bis 18 Uhr und samstags von 11 bis 14 Uhr geöffnet.

Wer den Kurs lieber gewinnen möchte, sollte gelegentlich in der Petra-Lounge vorbeischauen und beim Gewinnspiel mitmachen!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Meaning Of Alf In Arabic

Blog Recommendation: day's work - from diary to blog

Until 30 August runs at the Museum for Communication Berlin certainly fascinating exhibition "@ o m pletely private? From Diary to Weblog . Guided tours on Wednesdays at 15.30 clock and it Sundays at 14 clock. The museum is open Tuesday to Friday from 9 to 17 clock, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 10 to 18 clock, the regular entrance fee is € 3

But only by the interview with curator Tine Nowak at I came across the accompanying blog day's work. I admit that it's pretty hard to please me out of this post quotes from the weekly diary around the world and different eras tear. Well done! I hope it is mentioned after the show for a while, because it is absolutely worth reading.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Free 3gp Malena Velba Milking


other day but someone actually landed here after he (or more likely a she) had googled out of sheer desperation "hairstyles". Since I let my hair grow again from pupskurz pleasant to shoulder length, I'm right up there on the subject! So let's get a bit excited in the WWW ...

Should we be proud owner of a plastic part names Hairdini, which is meant to conjure up updos in no time, there are the associated Hairdini website a detailed style guide.

addiction woman rather by variable lengths and preferred to have videos instead of photos, they certainly on the British DIY Hair Styles page will find. The models look like already like from the magazine.

Everything except cutting hair, the site of Virtual Hairstyles: Upload a photo, try out colors and cuts, celebrity look-Dos, and much more. However, it cost too proud € 14.95 for a three-month membership. Moreover, it is useful to have at least rudimentary English skills, as not all pages in German available.

correct service right from hairdressers on a clearly designed Page is sent with Curly Sue . Very real Lifig can be provided also a shop, in Ludwigsburg near Stuttgart. Except hairstyle galleries are found in hair styles and details of products used, a hair forum, guest book and at least the announcement of a planned online stores. The price list is not bad, but I will probably have little opportunity to test the ladies time ago.

Who wants to offer more of his hair, applies to Cosmoty except a very detailed picture also a recipe page with natural cosmetics for the hair to make yourself a hairstyle magazine and plenty of tips around the head. Given the visual evidence that even Mena Suvari with a Strubbelbob looks more like her own mother because, as a trend setter ...

analogous All you can soon be time for me here find a summer hair cut ...